EQUA Mead Learning Trust

SENCOs meet for Inclusion Strategy Day

Our Deputy CEO, Lyssy Bolton, and School Improvement Coordinator, Jayne Bullock, gathered Inclusion Leads and SENCOs from across the Trust today (19 June 2024) to consider and discuss Inclusion Strategy for the Trust.

It was the first meeting of its kind since our new Trust formed, and there was a fantastic collaborative atmosphere in the room. 

Leaders considered key tenets of our Inclusion Strategy, including how to ensure Inclusion covers all children and young people, and not just those with SEN. The group discussed the context of each individual school, and how to ensure that a Trust approach to Inclusion embraces the unique demographic and needs of each school. 

They also spent time considering how they can most effectively share expertise and practice, and what support and resources they need from the Trust to ensure they are effective in their roles. 

At the end of the day, Lyssy Bolton commented 'Bringing together our SENCOs and inclusion Leads in this way, and enabling them to benefit from working together as a team, was a key driver behind our merger and we are delighted that everyone embraced this opportunity with such enthusiasm and energy. Our Inclusion leaders really are committed to giving Every Child Every Chance, and that was evident to see today.'

You can read more about our Trust approach to Inclusion here.

inclusion strategy updated.pdf


Inclusion Strategy Day