EQUA Mead Learning Trust


Our offer

We are excited to be able to offer our NPQ courses to many more colleagues from an expanded geographical area; applicants from all schools within the Wiltshire and East Bath regions are able to apply to complete an NPQ with us. From Autumn 2024 we are offering three NPQ courses listed below. For further information, please email our NPQ team on npq@equa.org.uk

NPQ Leading Primary Maths (LPM) - This course is for those leading, or hoping to lead, maths in a primary school. You must have at least one year’s experience of maths mastery or equivalent training before you can apply for this NPQ.

NPQ Headship (H) - This course is for school leaders who are or want to be a headteacher or head of school.

NPQ for SENCO - This statutory course is for anyone who is or aspires to be a school SENCO.

Why choose an NPQ with us?

We believe that successful practitioners adopt an outward facing approach, working alongside colleagues to provide mutual support and challenge, share best practice and learn from each other; we shape our NPQ programmes to achieve this belief.

Face-to-face discussion is purposefully incorporated into our programmes. Every voice has value and we are proud to invest in people to combine credible research and inform expert frontline practice.

Our facilitators are highly quality assured frontline practitioners. As such they recognise the day to day challenges of the profession and will actively support you to be successful in your NPQ.

Our impact

Very motivational, every session was interesting and thought provoking especially sharing ideas. Excellent course!

The in-person face-to-face meetings are invaluable and really help the course content become more digestible.

In such a fast-paced profession, it’s brilliant to have the opportunity to engage with current literature and to discuss pedagogy with colleagues across the key stages.

- Natalie D (NPQLTD)

It has genuinely been impactful on my teaching thus far- particularly the face-face coaching, focusing on questioning.

- Matt H (NPQLT)

The APPLY session was incredibly thought-provoking and we delved into the problems and research in a methodical way.

How to Apply

  • Complete our application form www.cefel.org.uk/npq/
  • Register with the DFE (registration will open in July 2024) Your sponsor completes your reference
  • Allocation to a local delivery partner
  • Provisional and Formal offers will be made along with confirmation of whether we are able to offer you a funded place. If we are unable to offer you a fully funded place at this point, we will tell you. Please bear in mind that more funded places may be available at the end of the application process, so we may be able to offer you a funded place in October 2024. If not, your school will need to pay for your course
  • Sign your formal agreement within 1 week to secure your funding

Funding Autumn ‘24

NPQ courses are partially funded for Autumn 2024. There are 10,000 fully funded NPQ places available to NPQ Delivery Partners across England. The number of places for us will be confirmed in July 2024.

Funded places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, based on when a participant completes our initial application form.

If your preference is for your course to be fully funded, it is very important that you apply as soon as possible, even if you want to do a priority course or if you are in a PP50 school.

Priority courses which are funded for all schools. Three courses have been prioritised for funding. They are:

  • NPQ for SENCO
  • NPQ Headship
  • NPQ Leading Primary Maths

Applicants for all three of these courses will be eligible for funding, up to the 10,000 places limit. Funded places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Our other courses are eligible for funding, for staff in PP50 schools. This means your school is in the top 50% of schools, when all the schools in England are sorted according to the number of pupil premium children on roll.

If you are unsure if your school is a PP50 school please email NPQ@churchofengland.org and we can check the indicative list.

View NPQ brochure