EQUA Mead Learning Trust

Church Schools

We work in close partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to provide the flourishing schools programme for all church schools within the Trust.

EQUA Mead is a mixed MAT and we believe that working with both Church of England and community schools enhances our Trust and its ability to meet the needs of all our communities.

Our vision of Every Child, Every Chance runs through all our schools, where everyone strives to make a difference on a daily basis to the lives of young people and adults; enabling all to flourish and thus ensuring that each community is well served.

Church schools within EQUA Mead are supported to live out the Christian foundation on which each individual school was founded. Through the Church Schools Flourishing Programme, schools are supported to ensure that their unique vision, and that of the Trust, is lived out in every aspect of school life. In doing this, we ensure that every church school:

  • Is a central part of the community it serves
  • Fully lives out its Christian Vision
  • Is inclusive to all 
  • Understands and uses the SIAMS inspection framework as a tool of self and Trust external evaluation

Examples of ways in which our church schools work together and are specifically supported by the Trust to live out their Christian foundation are outlined below:

  • Support for recruitment within in all areas of school life, including governorship
  • Network meetings 3 times a year to develop Christian vision and values, ensuring these are lived out
  • Regular cross school network meetings which offer CPD for SIAMS, RE and collective worship leads
  • Engagement and full participation in the Church of England programme for Flourishing Schools
  • Support for governors, leadership and wider staff in preparation for SIAMS, including supporting a "judgement 1" outcome in a SIAMS inspection 
  • Working with other church schools beyond our Trust
  • Working with leaders at all levels to ensure an exciting, engaging curriculum which meets the needs of learners within their specific context
  • Support through the Church Schools Flourishing committee [link to About > Governance] which supports schools and reports directly to the Learning Trust Board


Church Schools